Introduction: Al-Matar group proved to be one of the pioneers in water pipeline network since 1976 and recognized by Tender board as an excellent grade company specialized in executing water pipeline network and allied projects on turnkey basis. Al-Matar group decided to introduce a new service to its successful history in water pipeline by entering the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) market, that will enhance water project execution and diverse its skills in cutting edge technologies in infrastructure. Our boring team is led by experts in Directional Drilling and Thrust Boring, trident on latest Ditch Witch, drilling rigs, Vermeer machines, etc. We lay Steel and Upvc pipes from 4” up to 56” under asphalt road by Thrust Boring and pipe ramming method. We lay HDPE pipes from 4” up to 20” under asphalt road by Directional Drilling method. At present we have …. complete set of self sufficient mobile drilling unit and ….complete set of self sufficient mobile Thrust Boring units. Our remarkable experience and professionalism make us able at any time to meet with the requirement of all our clients to any stringent specifications with outmost satisfaction.

Our main services under the HDD division:

(1) Directional Drilling : Al-Matar Group now extends its service in dealing with “Directional Drilling” works by modern types and technologies, capable to work in rock areas even though if it is in hard rocks and the sand areas and under water. The innovative process for laying pipes (Steel and HDPE) and cables with well qualified personals who can assist in finding solution for any type of boring works with the most suitable Drilling machines along with a number of major advantages like Trench less, Ecological, Economical, safe and fast ways to obtain the best results.

(2) Thrust Boring : Thrust Boring is also part of “Al-Matar Group” service rendering to our valuable customers. In this field we are well experienced and always stand committed to develop and use modern methods, techniques and strategy.

(3) Underground Duct Laying & Associated Works :

Butt Welding of PE pipes

Working Procedure

Welding Operation